Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lines on the Road...

I remember so vividly blasting this song over the factory speakers of my beloved hunter green '95 Dodge Neon as I sped down 985N to make curfew...

"Keep on comin', these lines on the road.
And keep me responsible, be it a light or heavy load. 
Keep me guessin', with these blessings in disguise,
and I'll walk with grace my feet and faith my eyes."

Being the oldest of four and very much a family gal, leaving for college was a little emotional for me... okay, it was a LOT emotional for me.  How in the world would they all survive without me or me without them, being a whole 2 HOURS away?!?  (Can you tell I'm very much the oldest?  Good grief...)  And so there were more than a few trips back to college after a weekend at home that I would get all sentimental and tearfully belt it out alongside my discman/tape-adaptor contraption allowing me to listen to my cd collection of Derek Webb and the rest of the Caedmon's Call gang.  And although life has certainly changed since my squirrelly days of freshman revelry at Toccoa Falls College, the sentiment of the song has kept right in step with the maturing of this recovering people-pleaser. 

 "Keep 'em comin', these lines on the road."

I think that we can all agree on one simple fact.  Life goes on.  But for us as believers, we find comfort in the reality of God's Sovereignty.  Whether in those moments of deep pain or indescribable joy, creeping doubts or foundation-solidifying confirmations, we hold on tight to the One who is Lord over it all.  And what's more, we cling to the promise that we are foreigners in a land that's not our home.  By setting our sights on our final destination, we see the richness that would be lost if we took the enticing detour of gratifying our fleshly dreams which are limited to the dimensions of "here and now."  There is hope beyond.  There is peace beyond.  There is perfect love in the form of the Lamb, a place containing no more veiled glimpses, but a full out display of glorious Light in the Perfection of the Risen Son.  

So my goal remains to be steadfast in faith as I continue this journey, with every passing line.  And since I'm a bit of a verbal processor, I figured that blogging would help me visualize the bigger picture from my limited perspective.  Plus, it's bound to make you feel better about yourself and simultaneously provide some comic relief as I share a slice of my life as the sometimes overly-dramatic mom of two boys who has an unhealthy fear of all things medical.  (Which is why I married a clinical pharmacist??  Remind me to tell you about the time that I took a shared jump drive to Wolf Camera to develop some oh-so-cute pics of my two boys and accidentally came across Prasad's slideshow presentation of life in Grady Hospital's E.R... sucking wind while simultaneously leaping off of a stool is sure to get a rise from folks, let me just tell you.)   

P.S.. I hope my honesty doesn't scare you away.  :)

P.P.S. I'm also unnaturally afraid of legal documents and most types of formal paperwork.  Really, really terrified.  (I owe that to my 4 years of financial aid craziness.  The term "Pell Grant" still makes me shudder.)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Oops! I didn't mean to "remove" the comment! I'm new at this whole blogging thing... drat.

  2. I think it was me lol...I said I love your heart and know I'm gonna love these "lines on the road"

  3. Love that your blogging, and I love you!
    We can be blog buddies now :)

  4. your honesty is refreshing in so many ways, and i'm so glad you are doing this! the world needs to hear your thoughts. they have blessed me for over 9 years! love you and so very proud!! :)
