Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cheese Graters and Church Slogans

I’m not a big “rant-er,” but a misguided church sign that I passed this last week caused me to do some thinking.

“Struggling with depression?  The answer is Jesus.”  

Although I’m sure someone meant well while carefully placing each letter on this church’s placard, one thing was crystal clear.  This catchy slogan was chosen by someone who’s never struggled with depression.  

Here are a few others that they could have chosen for full view on Hwy. 78:

“High blood pressure?  The answer is Jesus.” 

“Broken arm?  The answer is Jesus.”

“Chronic constipation?  The answer is Jesus.”

“Wicked rash?  The answer is Jesus.”  

These sound ridiculous?  They do to me, too.  The stigma associated with depression amongst Christian circles leaves many believers  who wrestle with it feeling as though it must be caused by spiritual weakness or immaturity on their part.  “Maybe it’s my lack of faith, faltering endurance, or cross-wired communion with the Spirit.  I just need to try harder, pray more, dig deeper...”  

But is that what someone with cholesterol issues contemplates before taking Lipitor?  What about a teen facing acne?  Does he need to “stick it out with Jesus” instead of plunking down $19.99 for a bottle of Proactiv?  

I’m not advocating that medication is always the answer.  Nor am I saying that our Heavenly Father should not be our Rock, Fortress, and Healer in times of physical pain.  But cliche phrases and pat answers to deep and real hurts can do way more harm than good.  A little thought (and a LOT of God-given discernment!) should be implemented before we jump to hastily advising brothers and sisters in Christ that the answer is “just Jesus.”  

Otherwise, please pause and remember that the answer is “Jesus” before sticking a band-aid on that chunk of skin you just scraped off with the blasted cheese grater...  ;)

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