Thursday, May 10, 2012

Blog Bobber: Brought to You by the Letter "Y"

4 year olds.  They ask loads of questions.  But the go-to of all go-to’s is....
“But, why?”
If parents had a nickel for every time that question was uttered, college tuitions would be as easy to achieve as a stale lollipop for a chubby toddler hand in the grocery store checkout line.  
Well, the other day was one of “those” days... three shopping trips down and heading home, my 4 year old had found my last exposed nerve and was gleefully bouncing up and down on it, “But, why?  But, why?  But, why?”  
Whew.  I finally said, “Alright, Buddy.  No more questions for now.  We’re just going to be quiet for a bit.”  
“Nathan, didn’t I JUST say not to ask that again??”
His reply, without skipping a beat: “No, Mom.  I was just saying the LETTER Y.”
And then I broke the cardinal rule of parenting.  I laughed. Outloud.  Followed by a shudder at the thought of this clever boy in, say, 10 years or so.  Man, oh, man.  This parenting thing can be a treacherously funny road sometimes.  

A Place to Land

When aching hearts are
all wrung out
all beat up
all torn down
There seems 
no rest
no peace
no joy
so the mind goes searching
for a place
to land.
But like a bird over the sea
soaring, sailing, 
bending, straining
no limb
no branch
no rock to pause
but only more-
-still holding the heart that 
has to mend.
Weakening arms and weary eyes
scanning for
longing for
But no rest comes.
At least,
not yet.
So with eyes
to the horizon
and hopes set 
a few more miles of 
And a heart that hungers on
for only that which
can bring comfort
The One Whose Wings
withstand the storm
a peace that passes understanding
and a Heart that Knows when
this one’s done.